Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Two Out Of Three ARE Bad

Clap, clap, clap... great job the Big Two (GM/Chrysler), you have once again given me a reason to despise you. I LOVE(d) GM, you guys were once the suppler of automobiles and opportunities to many in my family. Now what are you? nothing less than a street beggar looking for a hand out..

Why did you succumb to this status? Was it because of competition or recessions, well yes, but those are all minor compared to what caused your collapse, your own ignorance and self stupidity.

Once princes of the country, Detroit was considered a prime spot. Now its infested with debt, crime and closed minded CEOs.

You have destroyed that once prosperous city, you so called part of the Big Three. So continue to ship American jobs overseas, build your plants in Mexico, and claim your Stimulus checks. You Brutus, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You grew with Michigan, helped build each others portfolios, and now, when it needs help, you leave it raped and beaten on the street.

You hear about CEO's who steal billions from clients, but what you have done to MY home state is far worse. You have stolen dreams, broke families, and destroyed people's sense of respect for the Auto Company.

So go ahead, close your plants, lay off more workers, BEG for more money... but your ignorance and small mindedness caused your inflictions. At first, i had pity for you... I was an advocate for a hand out from the government (US TAX PAYERS), but as you come to meetings in your personal jets (then next in your hybrids, because you care about the environment, asses), continue to ask for hand outs WHILE cutting thousands of jobs, i am becoming more assertive that your companies deserve to fail.

We live in a market society, we can't keep putting a band-aid on a wound that wont heal. Its to sever this limb, this 2 of the Big Three are nothing but a gang green infection towards the body of the American economy.

I applaud you Ford. Yes you may have asked for a initial hand, but you took that and did what was needed. By cutting over head costs, eliminating poor selling models, diversing and restructuring your company you are the Red Wings of your trade while GM/Chrysler are, well you know. Your starting to roll out more "green" cars than any other american brand, even if your far behind Toyota or Honda, your at least trying... you got some fight in ya.
I see ford as the Rocky Balboa figure, can take many hits but is still standing, fighting back and GM/Chrysler the post-prime Evander Holyfield... NO matter how much we pay to see Evander he still falls fast.

THIS IS WHAT A MARKET ECONOMY IS ABOUT. If something doesn't work, FIX IT.

GM and Chrysler, you are the adult entertainers of the auto business... NO matter how much money we throw at you, your still going to ask for more until we are out and credit cards are maxed out. Stop selling yourself and learn to sell cars again. Your AMERICANS, start acting like it.

Chapter 11 isnt enough for you GM/Chrysler, because no matter what, your executive board is comfortable and will never have to struggle. You want a loan? FIRE all your executives, take their salaries, hire back thousands of those employees and have an innovative consulting group (google+Hyundai im looking your way) re structure your PISS poor company.

one last note,
STOP LAYING OF INNOCENT HARDWORKING AMERICANS! Grow a pair, act like executives and figure out a way to get your workers back doing what they do best.

Still Bitter over the 2002 Draft,
Mr. Work


  1. I Got a bottle of jack for that!

  2. If these car companies really need a bailout, they are going to the wrong place. Why don't they go to the source of their current predicament -- the gas companies.

    Think about it, the gas companies were more than happy when the U.S. companies developed Hummers and SUVs -- which led to record profits for the gas companies. Why not keep them in business?

    Once these car companies go under there will be no one left to make the Exxon's and BP's of the world any money.

  3. At this point, they might as well let Matt Millen run either of those companies. The sad part is, I'm only half joking. No matter how much he ruined the Lions, he can't be any worse than the current top management teams at these failing companies. Detroit might be able to save their economy by introducing a National Hall of Shame musium. They would have plenty of local heroes to keep Millen company...
