Monday, February 16, 2009

Run (He's a Natural Disaster)


Roland Burris

You sir are a joke to the Senate. Your hands are as greasy as those of Rod Blagojevich... yes GREASE IS THE WORD.

Step down sir, step down now. I've personally seen you in the Senate and you walk around like people want you to talk to them, but check their body language, THEY DONT ACCEPT YOU... when they see you, they miss him.
And no Mr. Burris, its not a race thing, at all... its a respect thing.
You sir, have no respect in the Senate.
When lieberman wont talk to you, you have a problem... that man switches sides more than Anne Heche (thats another blog)

btw... G.W. Bush #41 on "international relations", the one person he beat out?... the guy who died after a month of being president. wow.

It's ok Katie, i still will talk to you even if you are a ........

Still lovin' those creamers,
Mr. Work

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