Friday, February 13, 2009

La-da-da-da-dahh.. You know I'm mobbin with the D.R.E.

This will the first of numerous collaborative efforts put forth from the "3KidsFromAtlanta".
Basically, an interview conducted with the Drizzle. He will be answering questions i posted to him, and then i will infuse it with pics/videos in my own style.

1. One member of Congress who deserves a "wag of the finger" but with the middle one.
Eric Cantor is going to win the award right now for that Italian Sterotype video. I get Eric you dont like unions and you are comparing them to Teamsters of the 1970's , But it is just dumb to send out a profanity laced video on the internet to all of your buddies on the internet and not expect someone to send it to new sources. (Dre 1, Cantor 0) ): <----That is the video and Eric Cantor has been priding himself as the moral police, saying that profane language is ruing this country.

2. Appoint a Commerce Secretary, give one real answer and one "norris" choice.
That' s is a good question I could see obama going with another republican maybe. I am not really sure well since we are on the internet and need hits...... Ron Paul, fucking internet loves ron paul.

3. The Presidents first visit out of the country is to Canada, how do you feel about that?
Enter text here. Don't really have a problem with that since we are in economic turmoil. One of are biggest trading partners and oil producers for us it is important to see them first. Used to be the joke that canada was the little loft above a awesome party, I think the party just got busted by the cops and everyone is hungover

4. The one congress member who you'd do unspeakable things to get an internship with?
damn really this congress, easy lynn westmoreland hear me out on this ,I know it might be crazy think I will be leonardo character is the departed and sabotage all the he does from the outside. Because everyone will trust the guy who is a black republican. I think it would be a good thing minus the whole getting my head blown off in a elevator. Also teach him all of the ten commandments, or the george carlin version of the ten commandments, his is so much easier there are only two.

And remember kids, RON PAUL, haha jk,
also a shameless plug for the Drizzolution....where you can get your gaming, music and all things random fix at

Hiring a new resume builder,
Mr. Work


  1. Fun fact, Canada is the US' biggest economic trading partner -- both importing and exporting.

    Also, they have Mounties.

  2. Don't forget universal health care!
