Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hiphopopotamus Vs. Rhymenocerous

Today marks the birthday of two men, who to say just were influential would be an understatement. Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, two individuals who battle for the number one spot in who pissed off the most southerners with their ideas/policies. Lincoln, civil war, makes sense... but why Darwin? For anyone who has lived/lives or has visited the south (excluding Florida, that's a Yankee transplant), the dynamics is based on three core establishments; one, two and three. For us who are seasoned in the south with the MAJORITY of people washed with the religious-right mentality, the idea that "we came from monkeys"(exhibit A) is too hard to believe for them, however the idea that man came from dirt and woman from man's rib is easier to believe (that's neither here nor there). Darwin has been characterized as a heretic and as science and archeological findings begin to shed life on the origins of the human race, has given countless southern preachers and follows a massive headache (lawyered!).

And what about numero 16? Well, Honest Abe unleashed Sherman to march to the sea, thus destroying the southern economy, beautiful antebellum structures and any chance for them to catch up to their northern counterpart in infrastructure (really??). However, because with the decline in the manufacturing sector, vast migration of technological jobs to the west, and non-unioned labor in the south, im almost afraid to say this, but, the south may rise again (what kind of raise?)....

So the nod goes to Darwin, sorry southern religious right, I may agree with you on some things, and you do offer good pick up lines, Darwin will be pissing you off for many years to come!

Still uninterested in Palin,

Mr. Work


  1. Yeah I don't know why everyone wants things to be absolute one way or the other.

  2. WOW nice Chris why do you hate pancakes.

