Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Two Out Of Three ARE Bad

Clap, clap, clap... great job the Big Two (GM/Chrysler), you have once again given me a reason to despise you. I LOVE(d) GM, you guys were once the suppler of automobiles and opportunities to many in my family. Now what are you? nothing less than a street beggar looking for a hand out..

Why did you succumb to this status? Was it because of competition or recessions, well yes, but those are all minor compared to what caused your collapse, your own ignorance and self stupidity.

Once princes of the country, Detroit was considered a prime spot. Now its infested with debt, crime and closed minded CEOs.

You have destroyed that once prosperous city, you so called part of the Big Three. So continue to ship American jobs overseas, build your plants in Mexico, and claim your Stimulus checks. You Brutus, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You grew with Michigan, helped build each others portfolios, and now, when it needs help, you leave it raped and beaten on the street.

You hear about CEO's who steal billions from clients, but what you have done to MY home state is far worse. You have stolen dreams, broke families, and destroyed people's sense of respect for the Auto Company.

So go ahead, close your plants, lay off more workers, BEG for more money... but your ignorance and small mindedness caused your inflictions. At first, i had pity for you... I was an advocate for a hand out from the government (US TAX PAYERS), but as you come to meetings in your personal jets (then next in your hybrids, because you care about the environment, asses), continue to ask for hand outs WHILE cutting thousands of jobs, i am becoming more assertive that your companies deserve to fail.

We live in a market society, we can't keep putting a band-aid on a wound that wont heal. Its to sever this limb, this 2 of the Big Three are nothing but a gang green infection towards the body of the American economy.

I applaud you Ford. Yes you may have asked for a initial hand, but you took that and did what was needed. By cutting over head costs, eliminating poor selling models, diversing and restructuring your company you are the Red Wings of your trade while GM/Chrysler are, well you know. Your starting to roll out more "green" cars than any other american brand, even if your far behind Toyota or Honda, your at least trying... you got some fight in ya.
I see ford as the Rocky Balboa figure, can take many hits but is still standing, fighting back and GM/Chrysler the post-prime Evander Holyfield... NO matter how much we pay to see Evander he still falls fast.

THIS IS WHAT A MARKET ECONOMY IS ABOUT. If something doesn't work, FIX IT.

GM and Chrysler, you are the adult entertainers of the auto business... NO matter how much money we throw at you, your still going to ask for more until we are out and credit cards are maxed out. Stop selling yourself and learn to sell cars again. Your AMERICANS, start acting like it.

Chapter 11 isnt enough for you GM/Chrysler, because no matter what, your executive board is comfortable and will never have to struggle. You want a loan? FIRE all your executives, take their salaries, hire back thousands of those employees and have an innovative consulting group (google+Hyundai im looking your way) re structure your PISS poor company.

one last note,
STOP LAYING OF INNOCENT HARDWORKING AMERICANS! Grow a pair, act like executives and figure out a way to get your workers back doing what they do best.

Still Bitter over the 2002 Draft,
Mr. Work

Monday, February 16, 2009

Run (He's a Natural Disaster)


Roland Burris

You sir are a joke to the Senate. Your hands are as greasy as those of Rod Blagojevich... yes GREASE IS THE WORD.

Step down sir, step down now. I've personally seen you in the Senate and you walk around like people want you to talk to them, but check their body language, THEY DONT ACCEPT YOU... when they see you, they miss him.
And no Mr. Burris, its not a race thing, at all... its a respect thing.
You sir, have no respect in the Senate.
When lieberman wont talk to you, you have a problem... that man switches sides more than Anne Heche (thats another blog)

btw... G.W. Bush #41 on "international relations", the one person he beat out?... the guy who died after a month of being president. wow.

It's ok Katie, i still will talk to you even if you are a ........

Still lovin' those creamers,
Mr. Work

Saturday, February 14, 2009

...Hello Conscience...

"Hello Conscience, look i think we should take a little time apart... no no no, its not you, its me... your great, im just looking for something more in life than what you can offer... no, don't cry, please, i swear this is just a temporary break... why? well you see, it's because i have to do something that seems impossible these days... i need to.. get a job in DC. So you understand now? it's nothing personal, i've enjoyed the time we've had together, but i need to do this... but i'd like to be friends still, really, i would... im not trying to sound cliche. Yea? we can? great! ok one last thing, you mind paying for dinner, i left my wallet in the my other pants..."

Getting a job in DC sucks.

It seems like you have to break it off with your conscience for a few to get a job....Plain and simple. It does seem like a dirty business, especially if you want a job on the Hill. "It's alright, To go out at night and forget who you are, Alright", the Zutons really capture the mentality it takes to get a job in DC. Thus far it seems that you either need to know someone who knows someone or go to happy hour and find the least attractive person, buy them a few rounds and do the unspeakable to get that J-O-B... unfortunately i do not know someone who knows someone... guess its off to happy hour for me...

Bitter? Me? Hell yes, i am... But it's just a hurdle to overcome (a unneeded hurdle, but hurdle nonetheless).

ALSO! SCREW THIS GUY! he should be in jail for at least 10 years!

Ok, so this was just a quick rant, too lazy tonight to put in a lot of links... another day, for certain.

Referencin' the Zutons for my Ally,

Mr. Work

(i'm Feldman, and Raffy.... Chunk)

Friday, February 13, 2009

La-da-da-da-dahh.. You know I'm mobbin with the D.R.E.

This will the first of numerous collaborative efforts put forth from the "3KidsFromAtlanta".
Basically, an interview conducted with the Drizzle. He will be answering questions i posted to him, and then i will infuse it with pics/videos in my own style.

1. One member of Congress who deserves a "wag of the finger" but with the middle one.
Eric Cantor is going to win the award right now for that Italian Sterotype video. I get Eric you dont like unions and you are comparing them to Teamsters of the 1970's , But it is just dumb to send out a profanity laced video on the internet to all of your buddies on the internet and not expect someone to send it to new sources. (Dre 1, Cantor 0) ): <----That is the video and Eric Cantor has been priding himself as the moral police, saying that profane language is ruing this country.

2. Appoint a Commerce Secretary, give one real answer and one "norris" choice.
That' s is a good question I could see obama going with another republican maybe. I am not really sure well since we are on the internet and need hits...... Ron Paul, fucking internet loves ron paul.

3. The Presidents first visit out of the country is to Canada, how do you feel about that?
Enter text here. Don't really have a problem with that since we are in economic turmoil. One of are biggest trading partners and oil producers for us it is important to see them first. Used to be the joke that canada was the little loft above a awesome party, I think the party just got busted by the cops and everyone is hungover

4. The one congress member who you'd do unspeakable things to get an internship with?
damn really this congress, easy lynn westmoreland hear me out on this ,I know it might be crazy think I will be leonardo character is the departed and sabotage all the he does from the outside. Because everyone will trust the guy who is a black republican. I think it would be a good thing minus the whole getting my head blown off in a elevator. Also teach him all of the ten commandments, or the george carlin version of the ten commandments, his is so much easier there are only two.

And remember kids, RON PAUL, haha jk,
also a shameless plug for the Drizzolution....where you can get your gaming, music and all things random fix at

Hiring a new resume builder,
Mr. Work

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hiphopopotamus Vs. Rhymenocerous

Today marks the birthday of two men, who to say just were influential would be an understatement. Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, two individuals who battle for the number one spot in who pissed off the most southerners with their ideas/policies. Lincoln, civil war, makes sense... but why Darwin? For anyone who has lived/lives or has visited the south (excluding Florida, that's a Yankee transplant), the dynamics is based on three core establishments; one, two and three. For us who are seasoned in the south with the MAJORITY of people washed with the religious-right mentality, the idea that "we came from monkeys"(exhibit A) is too hard to believe for them, however the idea that man came from dirt and woman from man's rib is easier to believe (that's neither here nor there). Darwin has been characterized as a heretic and as science and archeological findings begin to shed life on the origins of the human race, has given countless southern preachers and follows a massive headache (lawyered!).

And what about numero 16? Well, Honest Abe unleashed Sherman to march to the sea, thus destroying the southern economy, beautiful antebellum structures and any chance for them to catch up to their northern counterpart in infrastructure (really??). However, because with the decline in the manufacturing sector, vast migration of technological jobs to the west, and non-unioned labor in the south, im almost afraid to say this, but, the south may rise again (what kind of raise?)....

So the nod goes to Darwin, sorry southern religious right, I may agree with you on some things, and you do offer good pick up lines, Darwin will be pissing you off for many years to come!

Still uninterested in Palin,

Mr. Work

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Would Jay-Z Do?

The question is a fair one, in midst of one of the worst economic recessions since the great depression, individuals shouldn't be looking towards the government for the complete answer. Instead, they should be asking themselves one simple question, "What would Jay-Z do?"

Your first reaction or idea would probably be borderline stereotypical, but what can this TRUE rag-to-riches entrepreneur teach us about turning around this economy?

A quick background, Shawn Carter was born in Dec '69, in a housing project in Brooklyn. With his father jailed at an early age, his story begins to sound like numerous disadvantaged kids. But he had a natural talents, quoted by his mother Gloria, "young Jay-Z used to wake his siblings up at night banging out drum patterns on the kitchen table". Eventually, she bought him a boom box for his birthday and thus sparked his interest in music. He began freestyling, writing rhymes, and followed the music of many artists popular at the time(King of Rap). He took his own talent, and capitalized off of that. From there he made his moves, gained credit to his name and was the ideal example of an entrepreneur.

I am not talking about the basic run of the mill rapper/musician who makes their 5 minutes of fame, stack of bills, and same recycled slew of groupies. Jay-Z didn't make a lucky investment into Vitamin Water to make his fortune, "wanksta, you need to stop frontin".
Jay-Z took his talent, ambition and drive to create something out of nothing. Jay-Z owns his own record label, clothing line and movie production company - generating almost half a billion dollars a year in sales. Not only that, he donates a heavy amount to the American Red Cross. Jay-Z isn't simply an American Gangster, he is an entrepreneur, music industry innovator, and political activist.

That is the innovation America needs, individuals who take their own god-given talent and create a name for themselves. Move over Mr. Rockefeller, Hughes and Ford, it's Mr. (Shawn) Carter's innovative model which we as 21st century Americans should follow.

The principle is simple, and can be applied to a vast range of professions/personal life decisions. Take what you've, apply it and Show 'em What You Got.

Stop complaining, being reactive will do nothing but regress you further. We all have a restraints and obstacles, but why should that stop us from shinning? Take that step forward, start thinking progressively and take a lesson from H.O.V.A, start your American Dreamin'.

I look forward to individual Americans who are in need of direction, ranging from businessmen to public librarians, to look themselves in the mirror and ask them the serious question, "What Would Jay-Z Do?"

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We're All In This Together

Just when you thought there couldn't possibly be another mediocre blog on the internet, here comes Mr. Work with a blog that parallels the depth of a Ben Affleck flick (he shoots, he scores).

Being the first post, it will be shorter than Sarah Palin's credibility on foreign policy (shoot the jay).

General purpose of this blog; vent about the unfortunate, yet humorous, events surrounding politics in the greatest capitol without representation.
Over the next few months, I will attempt to keep up with the highs and lows of the Distric of Celebration.

Check out the following posts which are on my blog: (3 Kids from Atlanta)

Toe Tapping In Public Bathrooms Since 2004,
Mr. Work